We service and repair heating and air conditioning in Central Arkansas in area codes 501 and 870.
Our service map provides further details regarding the counties we service - such as Lonoke county, Prairie county, Pulaski county, Arkansas county, White county and more.
Heating and air conditioning is one of the biggest energy uses within your home.
A system that isn't working properly isn't just uncomfortable, it also continuously increases your energy bill.
Our primary business is servicing and repairing air conditioning, servicing and repairing heating units, and the replacement of damaged units.
We have been repairing Arkansas air conditioning systems since the 1980's. Became EPA licensed in 1993 before manitory licensing and commercially licensed in 2005.
We believe in keeping costs reasonable, and we do all we can to provide you with timely service in the AC repair business. Our goal is cost effectiveness for our clients, and you can count on our honesty about repair costs vs. replacement costs. If it is cheaper to repair than replace, we are up-front with that information to our client and let them decide.
Sometimes you need to completely replace a system. A lot of times though it's more cost effective to just repair.
We will recommend to you what we would do if it was our home.
We accept Cash, Check, Credit Card and have partnered with FTL Finance for financing options.
If interested in financing through FTL with us, a direct link is provided here. FTL Finance
Our customer's satisfaction is our number one priority.
Call 870-672-1452
If busy or no answer, please leave us a message or send us a text.
We travel into bad reception areas daily as well, so texting or leaving a message is needed.
We will call or text you back as soon as possible.
We want your business and appreciate the opportunity serve you.
As always, thank you very much.
Samuel Parham
Call or Text 870-672-1452
 We service most all makes and models.
Call or text 870-672-1452